Questions put forth by The Tacoma News Tribune for their
2012 Voters Guide and answers. We were only allowed 400 characters (around 60
words) to answer these questions
By the end of the year,
Congress must come up with a plan to cut the federal deficit by $1.2 trillion
to avoid automatic across-the-board spending cuts in 2013. What specific
programs would you cut or what specific taxes would you raise to meet the goal,
or would you allow the automatic cuts to proceed?
All income to be taxed
at adjusted flat rates listed as follows no exceptions, no deductions and no
credits: under 25k 7½%, 25k-50k 10%, 50k-75k 12½%, 75k-100k 15% 100k-150k 20%,
150k-250k 25%, 250k-500k 30%, 500k-1mil 40%, 1mil-2mil 50%, above 2mil 100%
When our debt is paid off, tax rate to drop proportionately to sustain
government spending. ( From
1940 through 1963 the highest tax rate was over 80 percent going as high as 94
percent. added note)
Five years ago, a
bipartisan group of senators proposed legislation that would provide legal
status and a path to citizenship for the millions of illegal immigrants in the
United States. Do you favor such a plan? Why or why not?
Why come here? For jobs, clean water, to make a decent living: repairing one
problem would remove most reasons for illegally coming here. Add twenty-six
words to corporate law and thus create what is called the 'Code for Corporate
Citizenship'. Directors and officers would still have a duty to make money for
shareholders, but not at the expense of everyone else.
Gambling proponents want
Congress to approve a plan to legalize online poker. Do you support such a
proposal? Why or why not?
Wolves are always
looking for an easy meal. Gambling has proven to be destructive, however, most
people are their own worst enemy. How many kids are we going to sacrifice to
the wolves? To ensure that society is not stuck picking up the pieces, educate
the public about the down side of gambling; homelessness and hunger, then tax
it (gambling) at 90% to feed and house the homeless.
Should Congress repeal
the Defense of Marriage Act and make same-sex marriage legal under federal law?
Why or why not?
The Declaration of Independence was written using the Bible to point out the
violation of Gods’ law that was used to declare war against England. If one
believes that the Bible is from God, and in the Bible is the statement: “Do not
lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable” (some versions use
abomination). Thumbing ones’ nose at God would seem rather unintelligent.
Personal Statement
When the incumbent,
Ms. Cantwell, first went to Washington, D.C., the national debt was
$4,188,092,106,183. We have a serious problem; the postponement of dealing with
this over the years has left the United States in a precarious financial
situation. The U.S debt over 15.7 trillion; interest (usury) paid out last year
was $454,393,280,417.03; interest paid last 30 years exceeds $9.5 trillion.
Following is a questionnaire
that was sent to candidates for political office.
It was designed to get people thinking about some of the issues
facing this nation, and the discussion of possible solutions. Feel free
to download it and offer solutions to some of the problems.
Following are my responses to this
Abortion Issues: Indicate (») which principles you
support (if any) regarding abortion.
___ a) Abortions should always be illegal.
___ b) Abortions should always be legal.
___ c) Abortions should be legal only within the first trimester of
___ d) Abortions should be legal when the pregnancy resulted from
incest or rape.
___ e) Abortions should be legal when the life of the woman is
___ f) Prohibit the dilation and extraction procedure, also known as
"partial-birth" abortion.
» g)
Prohibit public funding of abortions and of organizations that advocate
or perform abortions.
___ h) Other or expanded principles: Abortion should be an educational issue not
a legislative one. People should be shown a sonagram before an abortion
and should have to watch a “late term” abortion. If an abortion is
still wanted then so be it, but not at tax-payer expense.
Budgetary, Spending, and Tax Issues:
Using the key, indicate what federal funding levels you support for the
following general categories. Select one number per category.
1) Budget Priorities
1 = Greatly Increase
--_3_i) Medical research
2 = Slightly Increase
_6_ b)
_2_ j) National parks
3 = Maintain
Status _3_c)
_3_k) Public health services
4 = Slightly Decrease _6_d)
_3_1) Scientific research
5 = Greatly Decrease _3_e)
_3_m) Space exploration programs
6 =
_4_ f) Homeland
_3_n) Transportation and highway infrastructure
_4_g) International
_3_o) Welfare
_3_h) Law
_»_ p) Other
or expanded categories: Education
should be a state issue not a federal one. Funding tobacco farmers
seems kind of insane while taxes are being increased to stop smokers.
2) Defense Spending
_3_a) Armed forces personnel training
___ f) Pay for active duty personnel
_3_b) Intelligence
___g) Programs to improve troop retention rates
_3_c) Military
_3_h) Research and development of new weapons
_3_d) Modernization of weaponry and equipment
___i) Troop and equipment readiness ___e) National missile
_»_ j) Other
or expanded categories: Need to talk
to active duty service personnel to see what they need
Using the key above, indicate what federal tax levels you support for
the following general categories. Select one number per category.
3) Taxes
Family Income
___ a) Less than $25,000 _6_a)
_6_a) Charitable contributions
___ b) $25,000-$75,000 ___b)
Capital gains
_6_b) Child tax credit
___ c) $75,000-$150,000 _6_c) Cigarette
_6_ c) Earned income tax credit
___ d) Over
___d) Corporate
_6_d) Medical expense deduction
_»_ e) Other
or expanded categories: _3_e) Gasoline
taxes _6_ e) Mortgage deduction
income adjusted flat tax
_6_f) Inheritance
_6_ f) Student loan credit
___g) Other or expanded categories _6_g) Other or expanded categories
___ f) Over
____________________________ ____________________________
_»_ g) Other
or expanded categories :All income to be taxed at adjusted flat rates
listed as follows no exceptions, no deductions and no credits: under 25k 7 ½%, 25k-50k 10%, 50k-75k 12 ½%, 75k-100k
15% 100k-150k 20%, 150k-250k 25%, 250k-500k 30%, 500k-1 million 40%, 1 million-2 million 50% ,
above 2 million 100%
1940 through 1963 the highest tax rate was over 80 percent going as high as 94
our debt is paid off tax rate to drop proportionately to sustain government
spending. Example a 50% across the board reduction in taxes would lower the
under 25K rate to 3 ¾% and the above 2 million rate to 50 %.
4) Do you support permanent repeal of the federal estate tax? _»_Yes __No __Undecided
5) Do you support eliminating taxes on dividends paid to individual
__No __Undecided
6) Should a married couple filing jointly pay the same taxes as if they
were an unmarried couple filing separately? _»Yes __No __Undecided
7) Other or expanded principles: All
income to be taxed at above rates no exceptions, no deductions and no
credits. When our debt is paid off tax rate to drop proportionately to
sustain government spending. Example a 50% across the board reduction
in taxes would lower the under 25K rate to 3 ¾% and the above 2
million rate to 50 %.
Campaign Finance and Government Reform Issues: Indicate (») which principles you
support (if any) regarding campaign finance and government reform.
_»_ a) Support
public taxpayer funding for federal candidates who comply with campaign
spending limits.
___ b) Increase the amount individuals are permitted to contribute to
federal campaigns.
_»_ c)
Prohibit Political Action Committee (PAC) contributions to candidates
for federal office.
___ d) Allow unregulated soft money campaign contributions to political
parties or committees.
___ e) Allow ads paid for by soft money that support or attack a
candidate for federal office.
___ f) Allow issue advocacy commercials by corporations, labor unions,
and non-profit groups which appear within 60 days of a general election
and within 30 days of a primary election.
___g) Remove all contribution limits on federal campaigns and parties.
h) Do you support instant run-off voting
i) Should Election Day be a national
j) Should same-sex couples be allowed to form civil
k) Should marriage be restricted to a union only between a man and a
woman? _»_Yes___No__Undecided
l) Other or expanded principles: Just
as large numbers of homosexuals do not want their taxes to be used for
faith based initiatives, people of faith should not be forced through
their tax dollars to support self-inflicted educational issues
(abortion, drugs, homosexuality, tobacco usage).
Crime Issues: Indicate (»)
which principles you support (if any) regarding crime.
_»_a) Support
the use of the death penalty for federal crimes.
___b) Eliminate the use of the death penalty for federal crimes.
___c) Impose "truth in sentencing" for violent criminals so they serve
full sentences with no chance of parole.
_»_d) Support
programs to provide prison inmates with vocational and job-related
skills and job-placement assistance when released.
_»_e) Support
programs to provide prison inmates with drug and alcohol addiction
prison sentences for those who commit non-violent crimes.
___g) Support additional criminal penalties if a fetus is killed in the
commission of a federal crime against a pregnant woman.
___h) Require that crimes based on gender, sexual orientation, and
disability be prosecuted as federal hate crimes.
_»_i) Support
programs that provide job training and placement services for at-risk
_»_j) Impose
stricter penalties for those convicted of white-collar crimes.
___k) Enforcement of civil rights should primarily be the
responsibility of the federal government.
_»_1) Minors
accused of a violent crime should be prosecuted as adults.
_»_m) Other or
expanded principles: Enforce all laws
equally on all citizens, no
more double standards, especially disheartening is the difference in
drug offender sentencing.
Drug Issues: Indicate (»)
which principles you support (if any) regarding drugs.
___a) Support mandatory jail sentences for selling illegal drugs.
___b) Expand federally sponsored drug education and drug treatment
Decriminalize the possession of small amounts of marijuana.
_»_d) Allow
doctors to prescribe marijuana to their patients for medicinal purposes.
___e) Increase border security to stop the flow of illegal drugs into
the United States.
Eliminate federal funding for programs associated with the "war on
___g) Other or expanded principles: Unfortunately the drug trade is capitalism
at its finest, the “art” of supply and demand. Drugs should be like
abortion, an educational issue not a legislative one.
Education Issues: Indicate (»)
which principles you support (if any) regarding education.
___a) Support national standards for and testing of public school
_»_b) Allow
parents to use vouchers (equal opportunity scholarships) to send their
children to any public school.
___c) Allow parents to use vouchers (equal opportunity scholarships) to
send their children to any private or religious school.
___d) Allow teachers and professionals to receive authorization and
funding to establish charter schools.
___e) Increase funding for block grants to states to aid in the hiring
of additional teachers.
___f) Support teacher testing and reward teachers with merit pay.
___g) Increase funding for school capital improvements (e.g. buildings,
infrastructure, technology).
_»_h) Support
granting states limited control over Head Start programs.
___i) Support changing the mission of Head Start to emphasize improving
the math and reading skills of disadvantaged children.
Providing education is not a responsibility of the federal government.
___k) Support affirmative action in public college admissions.
___1) Increase funding of programs such as Pell grants and Stafford
loans to help students pay for college.
___m) Support federal tax incentives to help families save for college.
_»_n) Other or
expanded principles: The States need
to re-establish “Trade Schools”, not everybody is college material, but
everybody needs to be employable.
Employment and Affirmative Action Issues:
1) Indicate (»)
which principles you support (if any) regarding employment.
___a) Increase funding for national job-training programs that re-train
displaced workers or teach skills needed in today's job market.
_»_b) Reduce
government regulation of the private sector in order to encourage
investment and economic expansion.
___c) Provide tax credits or grants to businesses that offer child care
services to employees.
___d) Encourage employers to offer flex-time scheduling, comp-time, and
unpaid leave for family emergencies.
___e) Eliminate all federal programs designed to reduce unemployment.
___f) Increase the federal minimum wage.
_»_g) Support
the right of workers to strike without fear of being permanently
_»_h) Allow
workers to sell company stock and to diversify their company retirement
funds into other investment options.
_»_i) Other or
expanded principles: The government needs to add
twenty-six words to corporate law and thus create what would be called
the 'Code for Corporate Citizenship'. Directors and officers would
still have a duty to make money for shareholders, ...but not at the expense of the environment,
human rights, the public safety, the communities in which the
corporation operates or the dignity of its employees. Complete article under solution section of
2) Indicate (»)
which principles you support (if any) regarding affirmative action.
___a) The federal government should consider race and gender in
government contracting decisions.
___b) The federal government should discontinue affirmative action
_»_c) The
federal government should continue affirmative action programs.
___d) Include sexual orientation in federal anti-discrimination laws.
_»_e) Other or
expanded principles: A racist bias
still permeates large sections of society in both the black and white
households. Until these differences can be worked out there will be
need for affirmative action programs.
Environment and Energy Issues: Indicate (») which principles you
support (if any) regarding the environment and energy.
___a) Strengthen the regulation and enforcement of the Clean Water Act.
___b) Strengthen the regulation and enforcement of the Clean Air Act.
_»_c) Require
states to compensate citizens when environmental regulations limit uses
of privately-owned land.
_»_d) Relax
logging restrictions on federal lands.
_»_e) Relax
standards on federal lands to allow increased recreational usage.
___f) Support increased development of traditional energy resources
(e.g. coal, natural gas, oil).
___g) Strengthen emission controls and fuel efficiency standards on all
gasoline and diesel-powered engines, including cars, trucks, and sport
utility vehicles.
___h) Support opening a select portion of the Arctic National Wildlife
Refuge for oil exploration.
Encourage further development and use of alternative fuels to reduce
_»_j) Support
the use of ethanol as an alternative fuel.
___k) Allow energy producers to trade pollution credits.
___1) Support the United States re-entering the Kyoto treaty process to
limit global warming.
_»_m) Other or
expanded principles: Big oil controls
a large number of patents from solar research conducted at
universities, such as the University of New Mexico Los Cruces.
Gun Issues: Indicate (»)
which principles you support (if any) regarding guns.
___a) Renew the ban on the sale or transfer of semi-automatic guns,
except those used for hunting.
___b) Maintain and strengthen the current level of enforcement of
existing federal restrictions on the purchase and possession of guns.
___c) Ease federal restrictions on the purchase and possession of guns.
___d) Repeal federal restrictions on the purchase and possession of
___e) Allow citizens to carry concealed guns.
___f) Require manufacturers to provide child-safety locks on guns.
_»_g) Require
background checks on gun sales between private citizens at gun shows.
___h) Require a license for gun possession.
___i) Establish a national database of ballistic "fingerprints" to
track guns used in criminal activities.
Support legislation that would protect manufacturers,
distributors, dealers and importers of firearms from civil lawsuits by
crime victims.
_»_k) Other or
expanded principles: I read
somewhere there are over 20,000 gun laws on the books. How about
enforcing the laws already there instead of writing feel good
Health Issues: Indicate (»)
which principles you support (if any) regarding health care.
___a) Providing health care is not a responsibility of the federal
___b) Implement a universal health care program to guarantee coverage
to all Americans regardless of income.
___c) Support a Patient's Bill of Rights which includes appeal
mechanisms when claims are denied.
___d) Support a Patient's Bill of Rights which includes the right to
sue when claims are denied.
___e) Expand eligibility for tax-free medical savings accounts.
Establish limits on the amount of punitive damages awarded in medical
malpractice lawsuits.
___g) Support expanding prescription drug coverage under Medicare.
___h) Support expanding prescription drug coverage under private
managed care plans.
___i) Offer tax credits to individuals and small businesses to offset
the cost of insurance coverage.
___j) Support automatic enrollment of children in federal health care
programs such as CHIP and Medicaid.
___k) Allow 55-65 year-olds to buy into Medicare.
___1) Support stem cell research on existing lines of stem cells.
___m) Allow laboratories to create new lines of stem cells for
additional research.
_»_n) Other or
expanded principles: You don’t get to
have it both ways. The main reason for HMO’s was to have someone to be
the bad guy in telling people when they were going to be cut off
because of the expense of keeping people alive. Unfortunately this
created another layer of bureaucracy sucking up money that could have
been used to help people instead of creating a paperwork nightmare.
Immigration Issues: Indicate (»)
which principles you support (if any) regarding immigration.
_»_a) Decrease
the number of legal immigrants allowed into the country.
Establish English as the official national language.
___c) Increase the number of visas issued for agricultural workers.
___d) Relax restrictions barring legal immigrants from using social
programs (e.g. public housing, food stamps).
___e) Support amnesty for certain illegal immigrants who already reside
in the United States.
___f) Support the detention of asylum seekers from countries known to
sponsor terrorism.
_»_g) Other or
expanded principles: There are a
number of illegal’s involved in the drug trade who have committed
murder, the cops know who they are but because of conflicting
government agencies have a hard time putting them away (go to article
titled "The illegal alien crime wave" under the terrorism section of We need sane and enforceable laws.
International Aid, International Policy, and Trade Issues:
International Aid: Indicate (»)
which principles you support (if any) regarding United States economic
_»_a) Aid
should be granted to countries when extraordinary circumstances cause
disaster and threaten civilian lives.
___b) Aid should be granted to countries when it is in the security
interests of the United States.
___c) Aid should be eliminated for any nation with documented human
rights abuses.
_»_d) Aid
programs should be scaled back and eventually eliminated.
___e) Other or expanded principles
International Policy
1) Indicate (»)
which principles you support (if any) regarding the Middle East.
a) Should the United States continue to provide leadership in the
Israeli-Palestinian peace process?
__Yes _»_No
b) Should the United States support the creation of a Palestinian state?
__Yes _»_No
c) Should the United States withdraw its troops from Iraq?
__Yes __No __Undecided
d) Discuss your proposals for the reconstruction of Iraq. What funding
sources would you use to implement these proposals? (75 words or less.
Please use an attached page if the space below is not adequate.) We the people, through the actions of our
elected officials destroyed the infrastructure of Iraq. We have no
choice but to fix the mess that was made.
e) Other or expanded principles: There
will be no peace in the Middle East until the people there get tired of
killing each other; that does not look like it is going to happen
anytime soon.
2) Indicate (»)
which principles you support (if any) regarding Central and East Asia.
a) Should the United States use diplomatic and economic pressure to
encourage North Korea to abandon its nuclear weapons program?
__Yes _»_No
b) Should the United States use military force to destroy the North
Korean nuclear weapons program?
__Yes _»_No
c) Should the United States remove the North Korean government from
__Yes _»_No
a) Should the United States increase financial support to Afghanistan?
__Yes __No _»_Undecided
e) Should the United States increase military support to Afghanistan?
__Yes __No _»_Undecided
f) Other or expanded principles: Please
read articles concerning North Korea in the terrorism section of
3) Indicate (»)
which principles you support (if any) regarding the United Nations.
a) Should the United States maintain its financial support of the
United Nations?
__Yes _»_No
b) Should the United States decrease its financial support of the
United Nations?
_»_Yes __No
c) Should the United States commit troops to United Nations
peacekeeping missions?
__Yes _»_No
d) Other or expanded principles: Years
back I took an oath, it went like this: I, _____________________ do
solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the
Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and
domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and
that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and
the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations
and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.
No where did I see the United
Nations mentioned.
4) Should the United States lift the travel ban to Cuba?
__No __Undecided
5) Should the United States increase its financial support to Colombia
to combat "the war on drugs?"
__Yes _»_No
6) Should aid to African nations for AIDS prevention programs fund
distribution of contraceptives?
__No __Undecided
7) Should aid to African nations for AIDS prevention programs fund
abstinence education?
_»_Yes __No
8) Other or expanded principles: Lets
be real, abstinence is a great idea but people are hormone driven and
intercourse happens.
International Trade: Indicate (»)
which principles you support (if any) regarding international trade.
1) Do you support the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)?
__Yes _»_No
2) Do you support the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)?
__Yes _»_No
3) Do you support continued U.S. membership in the World Trade
Organization (WTO)?
__Yes _»_No
4) Should a nation's human rights record affect its normal trade
relations (most favored nation) status with the United States?
__Yes __No _»_Undecided
5) Do you support the trade embargo against Cuba?
__Yes _»_No
6) Should trade agreements include provisions to address environmental
concerns and to protect workers' rights?
_»_Yes __No
7) Other or expanded principles: NAFTA
was 1400 pages, GATT was 22000 and when ratified became the U.N. treaty
that formed the WTO, God only knows what was given away in
those agreements.
National Security Issues: Indicate (») which principles you
support (if any) regarding national security.
a) Do you support using military tribunals to try suspected terrorists
when ordinary civilian courts are deemed inappropriate or impractical?
__Yes __No __Undecided
b) Should the United States adopt stricter rules for student visa
applications from nations known to sponsor terrorism?
_»_Yes __No
c) Should the United States grant law enforcement agencies greater
discretion to read mail and email, tap phones, and conduct random
searches to prevent future terrorist attacks?
__Yes _»_No
d) Should the United States hold foreign states accountable for
terrorists who operate in their country?
__Yes _»_No
e) Should the federal government increase funding to states and cities
for homeland security?
__Yes _»_No
f) Do you support a policy of pre-emptive strikes against countries
deemed to be a threat to national security?
__Yes _»_No
g) Other or expanded principles: On
a) describe inappropriate or impractical. On d) the guys who flew the
planes of 9/11 learned to fly in this country and Tim McVay was an
Social Security Issues: Indicate (»)
which principles you support (if any) regarding Social Security.
_»_a) Allow
workers to invest a portion of their payroll tax in private accounts
which they manage themselves.
___b) Allow workers to invest a portion of their payroll tax in private
accounts managed by private firms contracted by the government.
___c) Invest a portion of Social Security assets collectively in stocks
and bonds instead of United States Treasury securities.
___d) Increase the payroll tax to better finance Social Security in its
current form.
___e) Lower the annual cost-of-living increases.
___f) Raise the retirement age for when individuals are eligible to
receive full Social Security benefits.
g) Other or expanded principles: The
government spends a large portion of the 12.4 percent payroll tax (6.2%
from you and 6.2% from your employer) called Social Security. The
government has been augmenting the national debt for years by borrowing
from the Social Security Trust Fund and will have to pay the money back
with interest from more of your tax dollars. Last year over $150
billion dollars was added to the national debt that way.
Technology and Communication Issues: Indicate (») which principles you
support (if any) regarding technology and communication.
___a) Collect taxes on commercial Internet transactions.
___b) Continue the moratorium on Internet taxation.
___c) Implement regulation of Internet content.
___d) Support government mandates to curtail violent and sexual content
on television.
___e) Support strict penalties for Internet crimes (e.g. hacking,
identity theft, worms/viruses).
___I) Support legislation to detail how personal information can be
collected and used on the Internet.
Regulating the Internet is not a responsibility of the federal
___h) Impose regulations on "spam" emails.
___i) Other or expanded principles
Welfare and Poverty Issues: Indicate (») which principles you
support (if any) regarding welfare and poverty.
_»_a) Require
welfare recipients to spend at least 40 hours a week in a combination
of work and training programs.
___b) Increase funding for child care programs.
___c) Continue to give states and local governments flexibility in and
responsibility for welfare programs through federal block grants.
___d) Direct federal poverty aid through religious, community-based or
other non-profit organizations.
___e) Abolish all federal welfare programs.
___f) Support housing assistance for low-income families.
_»_g) Other or
expanded principles: The problem with eliminating welfare
programs is the same as eliminating the Dept of Education or going to a
no deduction flat tax code. It would wipe out millions more jobs. The
first two in the public sector, the last would be the accountants
(welfare program for accountants is confusing tax code) not needed if a
flat tax with no deductions and no credits is enacted.
Abortion Issues: Indicate (») which principles you
support (if any) regarding abortion.
___ a) Abortions should always be illegal.
___ b) Abortions should always be legal.
___ c) Abortions should be legal only within the first trimester of
___ d) Abortions should be legal when the pregnancy resulted from
incest or rape.
___ e) Abortions should be legal when the life of the woman is
___ f) Prohibit the dilation and extraction procedure, also known as
"partial-birth" abortion.
___g) Prohibit public funding of
abortions and of organizations that advocate or perform abortions.
___ h) Other or expanded
Budgetary, Spending, and Tax Issues:
Using the key, indicate what federal funding levels you support for the
following general categories. Select one number per category.
1) Budget Priorities
1 = Greatly Increase
___i) Medical research
2 = Slightly Increase
___ b)
___ j) National parks
3 = Maintain
Status ___c)
___k) Public health services
4 = Slightly Decrease ___d)
___1) Scientific research
5 = Greatly Decrease ___e)
___m) Space exploration programs
6 =
___ f) Homeland
___n) Transportation and highway infrastructure
___g) International
___o) Welfare
___h) Law
___p) Other or expanded
2) Defense Spending
___a) Armed forces personnel training
___ f) Pay for active duty personnel
___b) Intelligence
___g) Programs to improve troop retention rates
___c) Military
___h) Research and development of new weapons
___d) Modernization of weaponry and equipment
___i) Troop and equipment readiness ___e) National missile
___ j) Other or expanded
Using the key above, indicate what federal tax levels you support for
the following general categories. Select one number per category.
3) Taxes
Family Income
___ a) Less than $25,000 ___a)
___a) Charitable contributions
___ b) $25,000-$75,000 ___b)
Capital gains
___b) Child tax credit
___ c) $75,000-$150,000 ___c) Cigarette
___ c) Earned income tax credit
___ d) Over
___d) Corporate
___d) Medical expense deduction
___e) Other or expanded
categories: ___e) Gasoline
taxes ___ e) Mortgage deduction
___f) Inheritance
___ f) Student loan credit
___g) Other or expanded categories ___g) Other or expanded categories
___ f) Over
____________________________ _______________________
___ g) Other or expanded
4) Do you support permanent repeal of the federal estate tax? ___Yes __No __Undecided
5) Do you support eliminating taxes on dividends paid to individual
___Yes __No __Undecided
6) Should a married couple filing jointly pay the same taxes as if they
were an unmarried couple filing separately? ___Yes __No __Undecided
7) Other or expanded
Campaign Finance and Government Reform Issues: Indicate (») which principles you
support (if any) regarding campaign finance and government reform.
___ a) Support public taxpayer
funding for federal candidates who comply with campaign spending limits.
___ b) Increase the amount individuals are permitted to contribute to
federal campaigns.
___c) Prohibit Political Action
Committee (PAC) contributions to candidates for federal office.
___ d) Allow unregulated soft money campaign contributions to political
parties or committees.
___ e) Allow ads paid for by soft money that support or attack a
candidate for federal office.
___ f) Allow issue advocacy commercials by corporations, labor unions,
and non-profit groups which appear within 60 days of a general election
and within 30 days of a primary election.
___g) Remove all contribution limits on federal campaigns and parties.
h) Do you support instant run-off voting
i) Should Election Day be a national
j) Should same-sex couples be allowed to form civil
k) Should marriage be restricted to a union only between a man and a
woman? ___Yes___No__Undecided
l) Other or expanded
Crime Issues: Indicate (»)
which principles you support (if any) regarding crime.
___a) Support the use of the
death penalty for federal crimes.
___b) Eliminate the use of the death penalty for federal crimes.
___c) Impose "truth in sentencing" for violent criminals so they serve
full sentences with no chance of parole.
___d) Support programs to provide
prison inmates with vocational and job-related skills and job-placement
assistance when released.
___e) Support programs to provide
prison inmates with drug and alcohol addiction treatment.
___f)Reduce prison sentences for
those who commit non-violent crimes.
___g) Support additional criminal penalties if a fetus is killed in the
commission of a federal crime against a pregnant woman.
___h) Require that crimes based on gender, sexual orientation, and
disability be prosecuted as federal hate crimes.
___i) Support programs that
provide job training and placement services for at-risk youth.
___j) Impose stricter penalties
for those convicted of white-collar crimes.
___k) Enforcement of civil rights should primarily be the
responsibility of the federal government.
___1) Minors accused of a violent
crime should be prosecuted as adults.
___m) Other or expanded
Drug Issues: Indicate (»)
which principles you support (if any) regarding drugs.
___a) Support mandatory jail sentences for selling illegal drugs.
___b) Expand federally sponsored drug education and drug treatment
___c) Decriminalize the
possession of small amounts of marijuana.
___d) Allow doctors to prescribe
marijuana to their patients for medicinal purposes.
___e) Increase border security to stop the flow of illegal drugs into
the United States.
___f) Eliminate federal funding
for programs associated with the "war on drugs
___g) Other or expanded
Education Issues: Indicate (»)
which principles you support (if any) regarding education.
___a) Support national standards for and testing of public school
___b) Allow parents to use
vouchers (equal opportunity scholarships) to send their children to any
public school.
___c) Allow parents to use vouchers (equal opportunity scholarships) to
send their children to any private or religious school.
___d) Allow teachers and professionals to receive authorization and
funding to establish charter schools.
___e) Increase funding for block grants to states to aid in the hiring
of additional teachers.
___f) Support teacher testing and reward teachers with merit pay.
___g) Increase funding for school capital improvements (e.g. buildings,
infrastructure, technology).
___h) Support granting states
limited control over Head Start programs.
___i) Support changing the mission of Head Start to emphasize improving
the math and reading skills of disadvantaged children.
___j) Providing education is not
a responsibility of the federal government.
___k) Support affirmative action in public college admissions.
___1) Increase funding of programs such as Pell grants and Stafford
loans to help students pay for college.
___m) Support federal tax incentives to help families save for college.
___n) Other or expanded
Employment and Affirmative Action Issues:
1) Indicate (»)
which principles you support (if any) regarding employment.
___a) Increase funding for national job-training programs that re-train
displaced workers or teach skills needed in today's job market.
___b) Reduce government
regulation of the private sector in order to encourage investment and
economic expansion.
___c) Provide tax credits or grants to businesses that offer child care
services to employees.
___d) Encourage employers to offer flex-time scheduling, comp-time, and
unpaid leave for family emergencies.
___e) Eliminate all federal programs designed to reduce unemployment.
___f) Increase the federal minimum wage.
___g) Support the right of
workers to strike without fear of being permanently replaced.
___h) Allow workers to sell
company stock and to diversify their company retirement funds into
other investment options.
___i) Other or expanded
2) Indicate (»)
which principles you support (if any) regarding affirmative action.
___a) The federal government should consider race and gender in
government contracting decisions.
___b) The federal government should discontinue affirmative action
___c) The federal government
should continue affirmative action programs.
___d) Include sexual orientation in federal anti-discrimination laws.
___e) Other or expanded
Environment and Energy Issues: Indicate (») which principles you
support (if any) regarding the environment and energy.
___a) Strengthen the regulation and enforcement of the Clean Water Act.
___b) Strengthen the regulation and enforcement of the Clean Air Act.
___c) Require states to
compensate citizens when environmental regulations limit uses of
privately-owned land.
___d) Relax logging restrictions
on federal lands.
___e) Relax standards on federal
lands to allow increased recreational usage.
___f) Support increased development of traditional energy resources
(e.g. coal, natural gas, oil).
___g) Strengthen emission controls and fuel efficiency standards on all
gasoline and diesel-powered engines, including cars, trucks, and sport
utility vehicles.
___h) Support opening a select portion of the Arctic National Wildlife
Refuge for oil exploration.
___i) Encourage further
development and use of alternative fuels to reduce pollution.
___j) Support the use of ethanol
as an alternative fuel.
___k) Allow energy producers to trade pollution credits.
___1) Support the United States re-entering the Kyoto treaty process to
limit global warming.
___m) Other or expanded
Gun Issues: Indicate (»)
which principles you support (if any) regarding guns.
___a) Renew the ban on the sale or transfer of semi-automatic guns,
except those used for hunting.
___b) Maintain and strengthen the current level of enforcement of
existing federal restrictions on the purchase and possession of guns.
___c) Ease federal restrictions on the purchase and possession of guns.
___d) Repeal federal restrictions on the purchase and possession of
___e) Allow citizens to carry concealed guns.
___f) Require manufacturers to provide child-safety locks on guns.
___g) Require background checks
on gun sales between private citizens at gun shows.
___h) Require a license for gun possession.
___i) Establish a national database of ballistic "fingerprints" to
track guns used in criminal activities.
___j) Support legislation
that would protect manufacturers, distributors, dealers and importers
of firearms from civil lawsuits by crime victims.
___k) Other or expanded
Health Issues: Indicate (»)
which principles you support (if any) regarding health care.
___a) Providing health care is not a responsibility of the federal
___b) Implement a universal health care program to guarantee coverage
to all Americans regardless of income.
___c) Support a Patient's Bill of Rights which includes appeal
mechanisms when claims are denied.
___d) Support a Patient's Bill of Rights which includes the right to
sue when claims are denied.
___e) Expand eligibility for tax-free medical savings accounts.
___f) Establish limits on the
amount of punitive damages awarded in medical malpractice lawsuits.
___g) Support expanding prescription drug coverage under Medicare.
___h) Support expanding prescription drug coverage under private
managed care plans.
___i) Offer tax credits to individuals and small businesses to offset
the cost of insurance coverage.
___j) Support automatic enrollment of children in federal health care
programs such as CHIP and Medicaid.
___k) Allow 55-65 year-olds to buy into Medicare.
___1) Support stem cell research on existing lines of stem cells.
___m) Allow laboratories to create new lines of stem cells for
additional research.
___n) Other or expanded
Immigration Issues: Indicate (»)
which principles you support (if any) regarding immigration.
___a) Decrease the number of
legal immigrants allowed into the country.
___b) Establish English as the
official national language.
___c) Increase the number of visas issued for agricultural workers.
___d) Relax restrictions barring legal immigrants from using social
programs (e.g. public housing, food stamps).
___e) Support amnesty for certain illegal immigrants who already reside
in the United States.
___f) Support the detention of asylum seekers from countries known to
sponsor terrorism.
___g) Other or expanded
International Aid, International Policy, and Trade Issues:
International Aid: Indicate (»)
which principles you support (if any) regarding United States economic
___a) Aid should be granted to
countries when extraordinary circumstances cause disaster and threaten
civilian lives.
___b) Aid should be granted to countries when it is in the security
interests of the United States.
___c) Aid should be eliminated for any nation with documented human
rights abuses.
___d) Aid programs should be
scaled back and eventually eliminated.
___e) Other or expanded principles
International Policy
1) Indicate (»)
which principles you support (if any) regarding the Middle East.
a) Should the United States continue to provide leadership in the
Israeli-Palestinian peace process?
__Yes ___No __Undecided
b) Should the United States support the creation of a Palestinian state?
__Yes ___No __Undecided
c) Should the United States withdraw its troops from Iraq?
__Yes __No __Undecided
d) Discuss your proposals for the reconstruction of Iraq. What funding
sources would you use to implement these proposals? (75 words or less.
Please use an attached page if the space below is not adequate.)
e) Other or expanded
2) Indicate (»)
which principles you support (if any) regarding Central and East Asia.
a) Should the United States use diplomatic and economic pressure to
encourage North Korea to abandon its nuclear weapons program?
__Yes ___No __Undecided
b) Should the United States use military force to destroy the North
Korean nuclear weapons program?
__Yes ___No __Undecided
c) Should the United States remove the North Korean government from
__Yes ___No __Undecided
a) Should the United States increase financial support to Afghanistan?
__Yes __No ___Undecided
e) Should the United States increase military support to Afghanistan?
__Yes __No ___Undecided
f) Other or expanded
3) Indicate (»)
which principles you support (if any) regarding the United Nations.
a) Should the United States maintain its financial support of the
United Nations?
__Yes ___No __Undecided
b) Should the United States decrease its financial support of the
United Nations?
___Yes __No __Undecided
c) Should the United States commit troops to United Nations
peacekeeping missions?
__Yes ___No __Undecided
d) Other or expanded
4) Should the United States lift the travel ban to Cuba?
___Yes __No __Undecided
5) Should the United States increase its financial support to Colombia
to combat "the war on drugs?"
__Yes ___No __Undecided
6) Should aid to African nations for AIDS prevention programs fund
distribution of contraceptives?
___Yes __No __Undecided
7) Should aid to African nations for AIDS prevention programs fund
abstinence education?
___Yes __No __Undecided
8) Other or expanded
International Trade: Indicate (»)
which principles you support (if any) regarding international trade.
1) Do you support the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)?
__Yes ___No __Undecided
2) Do you support the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)?
__Yes ___No __Undecided
3) Do you support continued U.S. membership in the World Trade
Organization (WTO)?
__Yes ___No __Undecided
4) Should a nation's human rights record affect its normal trade
relations (most favored nation) status with the United States?
__Yes __No ___Undecided
5) Do you support the trade embargo against Cuba?
__Yes ___No __Undecided
6) Should trade agreements include provisions to address environmental
concerns and to protect workers' rights?
___Yes __No __Undecided
7) Other or expanded
National Security Issues: Indicate (») which principles you
support (if any) regarding national security.
a) Do you support using military tribunals to try suspected terrorists
when ordinary civilian courts are deemed inappropriate or impractical?
__Yes __No __Undecided
b) Should the United States adopt stricter rules for student visa
applications from nations known to sponsor terrorism?
___Yes __No __Undecided
c) Should the United States grant law enforcement agencies greater
discretion to read mail and email, tap phones, and conduct random
searches to prevent future terrorist attacks?
__Yes ___No __Undecided
d) Should the United States hold foreign states accountable for
terrorists who operate in their country?
__Yes ___No __Undecided
e) Should the federal government increase funding to states and cities
for homeland security?
__Yes ___No __Undecided
f) Do you support a policy of pre-emptive strikes against countries
deemed to be a threat to national security?
__Yes ___No __Undecided
g) Other or expanded principles:
Social Security Issues: Indicate (»)
which principles you support (if any) regarding Social Security.
___a) Allow workers to invest a
portion of their payroll tax in private accounts which they manage
___b) Allow workers to invest a portion of their payroll tax in private
accounts managed by private firms contracted by the government.
___c) Invest a portion of Social Security assets collectively in stocks
and bonds instead of United States Treasury securities.
___d) Increase the payroll tax to better finance Social Security in its
current form.
___e) Lower the annual cost-of-living increases.
___f) Raise the retirement age for when individuals are eligible to
receive full Social Security benefits.
g) Other or expanded
Technology and Communication Issues: Indicate (») which principles you
support (if any) regarding technology and communication.
___a) Collect taxes on commercial Internet transactions.
___b) Continue the moratorium on Internet taxation.
___c) Implement regulation of Internet content.
___d) Support government mandates to curtail violent and sexual content
on television.
___e) Support strict penalties for Internet crimes (e.g. hacking,
identity theft, worms/viruses).
___I) Support legislation to detail how personal information can be
collected and used on the Internet.
Regulating the Internet is not a responsibility of the federal
___h) Impose regulations on "spam" emails.
___i) Other or expanded principles
Welfare and Poverty Issues: Indicate (») which principles you
support (if any) regarding welfare and poverty.
___a) Require
welfare recipients to spend at least 40 hours a week in a combination
of work and training programs.
___b) Increase funding for child care programs.
___c) Continue to give states and local governments flexibility in and
responsibility for welfare programs through federal block grants.
___d) Direct federal poverty aid through religious, community-based or
other non-profit organizations.
___e) Abolish all federal welfare programs.
___f) Support housing assistance for low-income families.
___g) Other or expanded